The Scent That Captures That "1930s Moment"!
All material copyrighted to odourofdevonviolet.com © 2014
or to the various credited sources © 2014
Devon Violet Toilet Water - A muscle-relaxing curative for all psychical ills. Comes in attractive columnvular bottles. Simply pour two cap-fuls into your bathwater. Leaves you refreshed and revived. All anxieties and macrocosmic preoccupations, worries and neuroses soothed with violet-scented nose-bouquets and healing violet balms, which massage away all those tight muscular cramps and nerves sprained by existential anxieties. Cures ‘nervous apprehension, bashfulness, depression, worry, sleeplessness, weakness of will, indecision… Hot hands, trembling limbs, word obsessions…’
Devon Violet Dutch Caps
There’s no benefit cap as foolproof as a Dutch cap! Specially lubricated with a spermicidal gel formulated to repel the most ‘Scrounger’-prone of sperms!’
Hygienic Stores and Le Brasseur Surgical
Devon Violet Hand-Painted Devonian Pottery –well, actually, even the history of this illusive scent is misted in mystique, that is, in terms of tracing precisely where in Devon its olfactory elixir truly originated, since some sources talk of a Flaroma Devon Violets (note the ‘s’) perfume originally distilled by Bathes in Torquay, which came in pottery bottles; later the scent was streamlined as Devonshire Violets –some sort of consonantal shift, and nasal drift, according to the orthodox theories of osmagology – a popular brand, processed and marketed by the Abietsan Manufacturing Company Ltd.
Devon Violet's No Such Thing As Society spray and water combination pack; a musty Thatcherite fragrance of flirtatious and fancy-free markets, synthetic perfume of privatisation…
Privatise the DEVON VIOLET way! No other scent pays
such dividends as DEVON VIOLET –Roses? Forget them:
They’re so Yesterday, resembling old haggard red banners! Tulips? Schmulips! Jonquils? Too particular, too classical! Poppies? Too bloody, too morbid and prone to special-bleeding! Violets? Hold on for a second! Violets –now we’re talking: Purple-blue petals with a dash of sharp yellow in their middles –You keep all the other petals, Violets are the blooms that mean business!
Devon Violet Atomisers are making their mark
more than ever before, bringing in dividends,
not just for Gosnell’s, but for governments: simply press the pump in the palm and spray away, it always pays to atomise one’s day, for this is the age of atomisation, of making work pay
in ever-decreasing stigmatisations the more one’s hours increase –O atomisers are back in fashion, the fiscal pump and spray, must-have of Austerity. The affordable perfume apparatus for the acquisitive today, choicest accoutrements, chic decanters of effervescent scents…

You've smelt the scent
Now read the book!