The Scent That Captures That "1930s Moment"!
All material copyrighted to odourofdevonviolet.com © 2014
or to the various credited sources © 2014
But since Blavatsky’s day, there have been scientific leaps
And strides in terms of harnassing violet properties,
Not for spiritualistic purposes, but for material gains,
Or at least, as a source for new escapism from material strains
Into a newly engineered mode of capturing the imagination
In tubes of cathode rays projecting moving images on
Reflective screens –a new-fangled, wood-framed contraption
Of shadow-and-light-trick theatre piloted in posher homes
From the mid-Thirties onwards, every bit as apparently
Implausible, almost-magical, near-miraculous as the then
More commonplace gramaphones, telephones, wirelesses
And transmitter radios had seemed in their greener days –
All electricity-conducting commodities, by the Thirties,
Accepted accomplishments of man’s ingenious replication
Of Mother Nature’s mottled sea-shell amplifications –
Tele-vision, so-called, was the latest invention, or revelation,
To cultivate light waves for consumer distraction from
The drabness of reality under dirty sunlights –a true
Violet violation which would enrapture future generations
In ever more manipulating ways; but more, would come
To implant indelible images in human brains that could
Come to be confused with actual memories, commingled
With the mind’s sacred dreamscapes (for some minds, less
Resilient in filtering such things, the more graphic or
Violent pictures could be misconstrued as phantasms,
Conscious awakenings to dark cravings, repressed desires,
Egodystonic charades inducing panic and anxiety
At their continual repeating without recourse to an off-switch,
As with the actual television –that cathode tube, a tombola
Of obsessions and compulsions); a muddying of the streams
Of inner-vision; and would, as well, hypnotise the masses
For over four hours an evening, and subject them to ingestion
Of artificial light, dulling thoughts and senses, until such
Dysphemisms as “The Idiot’s Lantern” and “The Gogglebox”
Would surface from sceptical tongues –far cries from poet
Anne Waldman’s lycanthropic metaphor of the ‘surrogate moon’ –
Tropes to depict the pitiful spectacle of millions of households
Crouching round flickering sets, like so many cavemen
Mesmerised by simple light-tricks playing in shadows –
But in dimly-lit ‘living’ rooms; inducing in viewers a sense
Of mental mushiness, zombie-like numbness, torpor, acedia,
Nausea, irritability and twitching limbs, all caused by
Bodily absorption of ‘phosphors glow’ from the light projected
Into us, cancerously so in some cases, deep into our cellular
Networks and endocrine systems, generated by ‘cathode-ray
Guns’ as TV-sceptic and advertising apostate Jerry Mander
Coined it in his Four Arguments for the Ellimation of Television,
Chapter IX –‘The Ingestion of Artificial Light’ (1977)…
Mander’s sublime polemic had been inspired by Dr John Ott’s
Health and Light, which blazed onto the shelves in 1973,
Selling three million copies –its essential thesis: fluorescent
Artificial light of televisions captures audiences in aspic
Of arrested developments, stunts our cognitive growth, curtails
Our critical faculties, even retards our nutrition through its
Interpolation of natural light-nourishment –humans being
Essentially little different to vegetation, and so, as rubber
Plants bend in green shadows of windowless hallways, or
Aspidistras stretch out more laterally in curtained rooms,
So too we can grow crookedly and out-of-synch with natural
Environments if exposed to too much televisual glow, will
Twist into ergonomic gnomes; as Mander put it, ‘plants ingest
Light and then convert it to energy for growth. The process is
Called photo-synthesis. The plant literally takes light into its
Cells and converts it to nourishment’ –so when we put a plant
Under a light-bulb, or in a greenhouse, ‘we change the amount
And the spectral character of the light the plant receives’,
We change ‘its diet’, and thus its growth-pattern; so, in turn,
Through television, we are changing our own intake of light
And spectra –being also receptors; diluting our own light-
Nourishment, affecting our cells, thus our bodies, thus our
Very evolution… into, no doubt, myopic Morlocks of a strobe-
Lit future…? Ott further identified television as key to
The aetiology of many modern neurasthenic symptoms:
Aimlessness, hypertension, neurosis, depression, aggression –
In an essay published in the medical journal, Eye, Ear, Nose
And Throat (July 1974), he called this televisually-
Induced condition, transmitted infection, “Malillumination”:
Essentially, malnutrition –even starvation– of natural light…