The Scent That Captures That "1930s Moment"!
All material copyrighted to odourofdevonviolet.com © 2014
or to the various credited sources © 2014
These polemical pigmies claim that many of the mushrooming
Lumpenproles are prone through desperation to seek out
Sharks for loans –though no one’s forcing them, nor holding
Guns to their heads –No need to, they’ll say, when advertising
Lets them have it with both barrels, bombards them with Midas-
Gilded slogans and mixed messages (as if to patronisingly
Say ordinary people are stupid!); while Wonga languishes
In derelict regulation, resurrecting ‘usury’ at interest of 4,000% –
The moral challenge to Archbishop Welby who threatens
To compete them out of existence by setting up less punitive
Moneylending stalls inside the nation’s temples, Bank
Of the CofE, slogan: Faith, Hope, Charity at 1% APR,
And Salvation for savers via overdraft –while the more hair-
Shirted Christians wrestle with the quandary: would Christ,
Himself, His Nibs, have approved of altruism on condition
Of Returns? Then, attempt to acclimatise their spiritual
Consciences to the new Budget Discount Beatitudes… That’s
Their kind of metier, these dialectical dwarves; that’s their
Gutter-level attempt at polemic –Pah! Polemic! Compost
More like! Rhetorical humectant, mere perfunctory putrefaction…
In these Austerity days of Alarm Clocks-Back Britain, basking
As we do in the bakelite mentality of wartime privation, we
KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON in blue-rinse altruism
Of donations to humanitarian campaigns and good causes –
All but our own– tagged in tattered charity shops with vintage
Price-tags, antique violet-rinsed assistants ruminating on
Their SWIZZLES MATLOW PARMA VIOLETS or sucking violet creams,
Sipping aromatic violet tea, popping out for furtive puffs
Of violet-coloured cigarettes, tubes of violet-flavoured tobacco
(Purchased from the tar-black, tinted-paned tobacco boutique,
BURKITT, established 1873, and now, in spite of public
Smoking bans, its quixotically archaic clattering till, like
The husk of a beetle, is spluttering back into unfashionable
Business as its retail competitors capitalise on the new vogue
In halcyon curiosities) –gossiping Pepperpots, Tory-parroting
Polyglots of government-sponsored prejudices, nattering
Away about austerities, interlocuting national priorities:
‘Course, it’s all because of this Aroma that there’s a lack
Of respect for property these days/ Ooo yesss/ That foreign
Aroma, "Gypos" I think they used to call 'em. Or "charva",
Aromany word so I've 'eard, meanin' dirty-faced tearaways –
I fink that's where the term "Char" comes from, you know, for
A cuppa' Char/ I fought that was from 'Char Lady'? /Might
Well be Flo.../ "Feral"'s what Beryl calls 'em/ That's right...
‘Course, you can’t say any of that these days/ Ooo nooo/
Not with all this political correctness and what not/ Yesss,
But they're gettin’ rid of all that tat and gaffer-tape now
Ain’t they?/ Yess, and about time too, if you ask me… So
Anyway, this Aroma what’s been ‘anging rand like a bad
Smell at Eaves Green, down Meridan way/ Where’s Eaves
Green?/ Down Meridan way/ Ohhh/ Anyway, those nice
Nimbies, you know them, a luverly famerly, they see’d to it
That this Aroma was removed/ Really?/ Yesss, by the Cancill –
You know, a bit like that shenanigans down at Dale Farm, all
Those Micks what pitched up a camp wivout proper plannin’
Permissions/ Ooo yes, shockin’ that was/ ‘Course, they didn’t
‘ave to get in the boys in blue with them Teasers this time rand,
No, ‘cos the mucky scrubbers upped sticks after they got wind
Of that petition/ Yehh, that put the wind up ‘em didn’t it?/
They’d turned all that unspoilt greenbelt into a bloomin’
Mudbath by the time they’d finished with it, the grubby
Buggers/ Shockin'/ Not so much as a by-your-leave when
They finally got rand to leavin’. Not A sausage of apology/
Just what I was saying to Violet only yesterday: "No respect
For over peoples’ property these days" –wever it’s patches
Of brannfield scrubland or urban empties– THERE’S NO
RESPECT. None whatsoever. Zero. Zilch. Nada./ Small
Wonder we have to have a dose of this Zero Tolerance all
Considered, is it?/ Ooh no, n' 'em new Zero Hour Contracts…