The Scent That Captures That "1930s Moment"!
All material copyrighted to odourofdevonviolet.com © 2014
or to the various credited sources © 2014
...Perky little number from Irving Caesar’s No, No, Nanette
Always gets her pinkies tapping on the slippery parket
Now smudged in muddy shoeprints of patent leather tread;
But it’s O, No, Violet once she spots the Dutch cap by her bed
Still unused, upturned in its pack like a rubber shola topee
Suitcased for the tropics! Has she been violated? Swift panic
Before that thought’s aborted with the rest of the seedy
Little episode, as she puffs up the pillows, straightens out
The telling duvet creases with clenched fists, and then forgets
(Something she does so easily these days) a desultory
Squirt of DEVON VIOLET dissipates the hircine scent
Of desperate sex, cheap aftershave and masculine sweat
From her compromised divan, and lifts his taint from her
Crumpled camisole –sweet nasal anticeptic of DEVON
VIOLET, recherché scent for the violet hour’s evening
Vigils flirting with thoughts of suicide or some other such quixotic
Recourse to action, a self-pitying fling –anything to fill
The emptiness that tips in after the end to desiring
With the softening of the body’s mattress-springs after
Unsatisfactory sating, as the last ash-stump of the bedside
Cigarette left burning in the singed ceramic ashtray, alongside
Cotton-wool-topped bottles of pills and placebos (apocryphal
Apothecary shop of the lamplit table-top), crinkled tissues
And tear-smudged notes in sedated handwriting –all composed
As if posing for a penultimate snapshot, a reunion
Of decades-crutching relics self-prescribed to keep
The disbelieving mind semi-convinced that somehow,
Out of all the heartache, angst and hardship, some ultimate
Reassuring and heart-warming purpose will surface from
Life’s long protracted postponement of catharsis –these
Artefacts of mortal disasstisfaction gathered for
A group photograph in the tyrannical antumbra of an alarm-clock
Always scratching its rattly head; all these objects and things
Clustered round the soft tomb of the bed to whose
Gravitational pull all human efforts of uphill-rolled
Boulders orbit by the ebb of day, back to the prefabricated
Grave that must be remade every morning, and the sepulchral
Quilt that is lifted again every night for Sysiphus’ strained
Limbs to slip under and be soothed by cool sheets, and
Those pillows which must be punched back into stone-firm
Shape from the mould of his previous night’s sleeping profile
(O that camel hump Camus sought to throw off was surely
A pillow, and, as such, easily removable by a flick of the hand
Or an absent-minded moment of philosophical suicide?) –
Death-rehearsing routine, a metronome for the toing and froing
Rhythm of factory or office days with never any significant
Change in tempo or content, lifetimes of never-spent employment
In futile duties too quotidian for myth, all just to continue...
...To afford to exist for the sake of enduring this daily abusrd,
This sempiternal exploitation, satisfied at least that nothing is
Of his volition in the end –This is how it is, and how it will be
Every single morning, noon and evening of his life until
Such time as he opts out from the roster and spontaneously
Clocks-off from fear and trembling regimen in a final
Assertion of defiance and enlightenment, the soul’s
Voluntary redundancy in lieu of involuntary retirement,
A fait accompli of flight before serving out one’s frightful notice…
And after all this, what’s left but the Tantalus-hint of an after-
Existence, whether to be employed again in a zero hour
Contract of apportioned punishment for the infinite hours
Of eternity, or to re-enter the void of unemployment where,
At least, Thought has room to stretch its legs, arms to form
Question-marks as to the absence of any schedule, akimbo
In limbo; there is a ghost left vaguely lingering in the pharoah’s
Tomb of human purgatory –the rented room, the studio,
The maisonette and the bedsit partitioned with kitchenette
And fold-out half-moon prayer-table mug-rinned with crop
Circles of spilt libations to bitter little giro-gods and
Coquettish corkscrew bed-springs –stains of times when
There were better tributes for toasting… Somehow, we never
Quite properly settle-in to our surroundings, some never even
Finish unpacking for always feeling as if about to uproot again,
Out-of-place in some sense, unsettled, weighed down with
Baggage while in transition, accumulating ever-greater
Quantities of inanimate things which cannot transmigrate with us,
Or, if transmigration is a myth, things which will outlast us –trails
Of footprints that disappear abruptly at cliff-edges… Our days
And memories to amount to so much dust of speculation
Gathering on the spoils of our forgetful belongings,
Every salvaged object, a colophon for our time-cropped
Personalities –our obituaries amounting to so many
Sentimental antiques collected throughout our dismantling…