The Scent That Captures That "1930s Moment"!
All material copyrighted to odourofdevonviolet.com © 2014
or to the various credited sources © 2014
Self-emulsifying polyol stearates were introduced from
The 1930s; the testers for these were originally patented under
Telgin. This marked something of a distillatory renaissance:
Now all materials were heated and mixed together, then poured
Into containers –this revolutionised the process of vanishing
Cream manufacture, making it considerably simpler (de Navarre,
1975). Creams were supremely softer than the traditional stearates
But unfortunately often lost their pearly sheen. Nevertheless,
Vanishing Creams had a non-greasy advantage which rendered
Them eminently suitable for daytime use by women with oily skin.
As well as allowing powder to stay intact on the face, they
Were also advertised as protecting the skin from ‘chapping
Winds’ and ‘sooty breezes’. The presence of a humectant
Was used as the basis for claims that they helped reduce loss
Of moisture from dry skin… And then there was Hazeline Snow:
Doubtless there were certain coteries who used make-up liberally
But it certainly wasn’t common, and the jars and flasks contained
Eau-de-cologne as opposed to true scent, while cold cream was
Used as a broad lubricant. Chapped hands carried glycerine.
The chic Parisians were pioneers of foundation medium –dashingly
Many milky English wives purchased the dinky tubes of Pond’s
Erasmic Vanishing Cream, and shared them out among their friends
Like scarce and illicit indulgences. This marked a true advance
In cosmetics: the powder stuck to one’s nose so one needn’t squint
Downwards with one eye to check if it had acquired that type
Of uncomely polished look, so frowned-upon, a proboscis taboo…
DEVON VIOLET’s natural spring cadences are guaranteed to wash
Away those Tory blues with their special nuanced hints
Of taffeta, muslin, velvet and choicest lotus, help you drift
Far away from flu of affluence and avaricious viruses
Into the soothing fumes of pharmaceutical aspirations –
Atishoo, atishoo, and they all fall down, those daffodils
And failures, falling at first hurdles, while violets
Of adversity survive, flourish in spite of difficult decisions,
Victor over transitory choices, spring into violet shouts
From the weeding of deregulation, blossom in valleys
Of unmaking, dismantling, tax-avoiding, investing
In fumigated futures, sustainable olfactory infrastructures,
Dismantling malingering odours, blooming from green
Shoots of sluggish growth into proscriptive recovery –
Try the pilot sample, straight from the sunny uplands,
Free at the point of spivery with every respectable red-top:
DEVON VIOLET –You KNOW it makes scents –because it
HAS to, as there IS NO Alternative, so don’t be a deficit-
Denying profligate wallflower: immerse yourself in
The fragrance of fiscal flagellation and national self-harm –
Buy DEVON VIOLET today!” You know it pays to spray!
“O that decadent mystique of Devon Violet… fouler of the holy odours of the body; divine hircine musk of silky hollows; with its cheap, insipid, off-putting, artificial scent…”
D.V. Lawrence

Also now available for a limited period:
Nervousness, Irritability of Temper,
Want of Strength and Energy,
Fear, Dread, Neuralgia,
Hysteria, Disturbed Sleep,
Melancholy and Insomnia,
Socialist Morbidity and Self-Harming Left-Wing Tendencies,
Disillusion with MPs and Parliamentary Democracy,
All forms of Rebelliousness, Protest, Dissention –
DEVON VIOLET Revitalises Vitality, Virility,
Gets you Back in Touch with your Animal Spirits,
Promotes Quiescence, Quietism, Complacency,
Puts you Back on Track with Current Austerities,
Realigns you with Right-Wing Narratives,
A Specially Synthesised Fillip of Fiscal Remedies,
Everyone’s Favourite Antidote to Stagflation Blues
Also available in Pill-form
Or in Bespoke consistencies specially concocted to meet
Your specific needs, tailor-made to all nuances of neurosis
Endorsement: “My nerves are bad tonight but Devon
Violet Nervous Tonic took the edge off them”
Violet Eliot
Disclaimer: possible side-effects: handout intolerance;
anti-welfarism; tax-allergy; symptoms of Malthusianism;
Mendelism; heightened eugenics tolerance; attitudinal
fascism; susceptibility to xenophobia and immigrant
scapegoating; masochistic Royalism; comorbid patriotism;
atopic protectionism; chronic “scroungerphobia”...
Anti-capitalist polemic and countervailing viruses
Of anti-austerity dialect can catch like a miasmic bacilli
In the atmosphere, germinate –such militant scents
Are contagious –but you can protect yourself for infection
And prevent the spread of its vitality-sapping, vituperative
Nasal vibes by spraying yourself with DEVON VIOLET –
Because DEVON VIOLET is THE No.1 perfume contagion!
Disclaimer: the Medicinalisation of Crisis Lexicon can
Misleadingly imply some form of cure, panacea, magic
Wand or disingenuous overture towards growth by
Spending to get out of debt –but there’s only one way to
The only olfactory fiscal cure for spendthrifts, profligates,
The improvident, parasitic and feckless everywhere!